The Rohrabacher-Blumenauer Amendment Extends Protection from Federal Interference

The Rohrabacher-Blumenauer Amendment Extends Protection from Federal Interference

In May 2014, the medical marijuana movement received its greatest legislative victory with the passing of the Rohrabacher-Farr Amendment. Introduced by U.S. Representatives Maurice Hinchey, Dana Rohrabacher, and Sam Farr, this amendment effectively prevents the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) from spending federal money on anything that interferes with states’ rights to implement medical marijuana

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Can Cannabis Treat Addiction?

Can Cannabis Treat Addiction?

For decades, the purveyors of the War on Drugs have told us that marijuana is a gateway to delinquent behaviors and stronger drugs. Television commercials during the “Just Say No” campaign of the Reagan era showed us that using pot had the same effect on our brain as an egg in a frying pan.  Addiction

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Cannabis Helps PTSD – But Veterans Must Fight for Access

Cannabis Helps PTSD – But Veterans Must Fight for Access

Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), is a group of symptoms that can linger for months or even years after someone experiences a traumatic event. Combat veterans face far higher rates of this disabling mental health condition than the population at large.  At least 20 percent of all military personnel returning from Iraq and Afghanistan have symptoms

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Governors of Legal Marijuana States Respond to Sessions

Governors of Legal Marijuana States Respond to Sessions

In late July, Attorney General Jeff Sessions sent letters to the state governors of Colorado, Oregon, Washington and Alaska posing “serious questions” about each state’s marijuana regulations and enforcement. The letters sidestepped any real communication and instead used faulty, questionable, and incomplete data as a basis for his accusations. All four governors are pushing back,

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New Study to Assess the Impact of Medical Marijuana on Opioid Use

New Study to Assess the Impact of Medical Marijuana on Opioid Use

The National Institutes of Health has announced plans to fund the nation’s first-ever long-term study on whether medical cannabis can affect the use of opioid pain medications. The proposed study is being hailed by members of the medical marijuana community as a welcome step toward wider research on cannabis for chronic pain and many other

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